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Check distributor components, especially Capacitor, then electronics module. KISS principle for most common problems, Keep It Simple Stupid. No fire anywhere is a central location (where all components not working originate) problem. Check wires for connection and corrosion buildup. Sudden loss of fire is usually loose connection or blown component, Checked the fuses? Did the problem slowly buildup: when was last tune-up? Check rotor for buildup on even loss of connection or (my favorite) a loose wire.

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Q: What could cause an '85 s10 blazer to not get fire anywhere?
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It can't cause a forest fire, but it can contribute to its spread, especially if there are high winds.

What would cause engine to turn over and not fire or cut out while driving?

First thing to check is the fuel pump relay. IT could also be that big air clearner hose. If that is broken or cracked anywhere these it will cause over fuelling.

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It could.It could.

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Anything that could start a fire, even remotely involved.

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There is no direct causal connection between having an earthquake and the start of a fire. However, the earthquake might destroy things (electricity cables, buildings, etc.) which when destroyed can cause fire. For example, an oil leak could be caused by the earthquake and with a spark of an electricity cable this could cause a fire. Hope this answers your question.

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no it could cause a fire

How do you change the heater coil in a 1995 Chevy Blazer 4x4?

you have to take the dash out then it is up against the fire wall .you could get a haynes book it tell you step by step how to do it

How would a 1995 Chevy blazer catch fire?

Electrical, they're notorious for it.