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Immediately check in with your eye doctor.

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Q: What could cause cloudy vision with floaters in a healthy forty year old woman?
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Can Viagra cause eye floaters in one eye?

No. That would not be a typical reaction. Viagra is in no way connected to eye floaters. There can be serious side effects causing vision loss, but not floaters.

What are Floaters Is it somthing i should be concerd over?

Floaters are spots that appear in your vision when you move your eyes. Floaters can be a cause for alarm, especially if they increase or you start seeing flashes of light.

Why do you need vitamin A?

vision - deficiency can cause blindness maintaining healthy skin for healthy eyes

Can zomig cause eye floaters?

I looked it up, the information says vision eye problems, but it's not specific. Look at the source related link below for more details.

Do contacts cause floaters?

No, floaters are debris suspended in the semiliquid vitreous humor that fills the eyeball, helping maintain it spherical shape. Everyone has some floaters. Contacts have no effect on the development of floaters (nor do glasses) as they are outside the eyeball thus not in contact with the vitreous humor where the floaters are.

Can food poisoning cause floaters and flashes in your eyes?


A 52-year-old patient describes the presence of occasional floaters or spots moving in front of his eyes?

The most common cause of floaters and flashes in the eye occur as people age. The gel may begin shrinking and causing strands inside of the eye that appear to be floaters. A less common cause of floaters could possibly be a retinal detachment.

Can sinus inflammation cause eye floaters?

It's possible but they don't really know the cause of it.

Is cataracts a disease?

Sadly yes, cataract is a a eye disease that will make your lens become cloudy to make it a little hard for you to see. If you have any signs of Cataract, like if your vision is getting blurry or cloudy. You most go to your eye doctor regularly to get that checked out. At times, it could cause lost of vision if you don't pay attention to it.

Would neck pain cause wavey floaters in the eyes?

Yes. The main cause is sternomastoid muscle.

Does cipro cause floaters?

Many people report a connection between the two!

What Is Retinal Detachment (RD)?

Retinal Detachment is a severe eye condition where the retina, a vital layer of tissue at the back of the eye, separates from its normal position. It can cause various symptoms, such as floaters, flashes of light, a curtain-like effect in the vision, or sudden vision loss. This eye condition needs Immediate medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss.