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Impetigo,Or From Shaving, Or Heat Rash. I Cant Think Of Anything Else, Hope I Helped. X

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14y ago
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13y ago

You may Have a Fever, Cold, or Just a Graze, If it spreads, See a Doctor, and Don't apply Mysterious Ointments.

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Any number of things. Like what?

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Q: Red bumps on shin. What could it be?
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What could small red bumps be?

Small red bumps on the skin could be signs of rashes or measles. It could also be a precursor to acne problems.

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What are red bumps on your stomach?

The burning red bumps could be many different things. Some things it may be is poison ivy, hives or scabies.

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What could Red bumps on fingertips be from?

lots of use of fingers causes Red lumps.Check with a professional

Why do you have red bumps on soft palate?

If you have red bumps on your soft palate, this may be from a variety of things. It could be caused from an allergic reaction or you may have eaten food that was too hot.

What does it mean when you have red bumps on your lower right buttocks and could it be a staph infection?

You could have a heat rash.

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What could small red bumps on my legs be from?

They could be insect bites but I'm not sure. Probably mosquito or horsefly.

What are little red itchy bumps at outside corners of eyes?

There are several conditions that could cause itchy red bumps around the eyes. They include acne, dermatitis, keatosis pilaris, styes and rosacea.

Do I have Cystic Acne?

Cystic acne forms cysts, which could be the red bumps you experience. Cysts, specifically, are fluid or pus-filled cavities inside the bumps.

When was Red Cliff - Shin-Sen - created?

Red Cliff - Shin-Sen - was created on 2008-10-15.