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Q: What could cause sickness on morning but i am on the pill and have negative results?
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Can stress give u morning sickness?

YES! Stress is definitely a cause of morning sickness. try to find something that can keep you calm. try breathing in deep breaths or listening to some of your favorite music. Sometimes even the daddy can get morning sickness. That is called sympathy morning sickness.

Do you only get morning sickness when having a girl?

No, you can get morning sickness when expecting a boy or a girl. It is a myth that you only experience it with one or the other. It's the hormones that are released during pregnancy that cause morning sickness, and these are the same when the baby is a boy and when the baby is a girl

Can vitamin c cause false negative pregnancy results?

No it can not.

How early can you feel morning sickness?

When does morning sickness start? Nausea and vomiting that happen during pregnancy in the first trimester, often called as "morning sickness". In most women, symptoms of morning sickness start in 5th to 6th week of pregnancy. When does morning sickness end? These symptoms are mild and go away after the 12 to 14 weeks. Symptoms include nausea or feeling sick, as well as actually being sick. Morning sickness can occur at any time of the day though it occurs most often in the morning because blood sugar levels are low after a night without food. Hormonal changes in the first three months are probably one cause. It can be one of the most tiring problems in early pregnancy. Source -

Is it vomiting necessary in pregnancy?

Yes. Morning sickness (the usual cause of vomiting during pregnancy) is usual in most pregnant women, although a lucky few may never experience morning sickness. Courtesy of Duke_Rollter, question answerer extraordinaire

If you are getting night sickness instead of morning sickness could you be pregnant?

Nearly all women experience morning sickness to one extent or another, however, it is possible to be pregnant and not have morning sickness. It is recommended that women who think they are pregnant take a pregnancy test to find out for sure.

What is the normal temperature for morning sickness?

During pregnancy, morning sickness is a common symptom, as should not cause you to get a temperature at all. If you have a fever of 101 or more for an extended period of time you should go to the ER or call your doctor ASAP because having an elevated temperature of 101 or more for too long can raise your core body temperature and cause harm to the baby.

Can birth control cause morning sickness?

yes, especially if you take it at night. try taking the pill earlier in the day or eating after you take it at night

Is morning sickness the same every day?

first of all, morning sickness is a little misleading. it doesn't always happen in the morning. and it is not the same every single day. sometimes you will feel nausious without puking, and other times you will puke. sometimes, something like a smell, or seeing a certain food, or taking even a drink of something, will cause you to feel nausious.

Does wet hair after 9 pm cause sickness?

Wet hair does not cause sickness, it just a myth.

Do bacteria causing sickness?

Bacteria cause sickness but it helps you too

Is diarreah part of morning sickness?

Yes it is, I get terrible diarrhea in the mornings now accompanying the vomiting. I eat very, very healthy foods and nothing to cause diarrhea.