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Facial and/or eye swelling should be evaluated by your physician, not a question placed on the internet.

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1w ago

Swelling of the upper eyelid and cheek on one side of the face, along with seeing broken white light, could be indicative of an underlying medical condition such as sinusitis, an allergic reaction, or an ocular issue like a corneal abrasion. It is crucial to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment.

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Q: What could cause swelling of upper eyelid and check of right side of face and seeing broken white light?
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Can you die by seeing an ugly person?

No, it is not possible to die from simply seeing an ugly person. Beauty is subjective and there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that looking at someone unattractive can cause death.

Can a kick to anus cause hemrroids to occur?

Yes, a forceful kick to the anus can potentially cause trauma to the blood vessels in the area, leading to the development of hemorrhoids. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience symptoms like bleeding, pain, or swelling in the anal area after such an injury.

What part of the body does dislocation effect?

Dislocation affects the joints in the body, where the bones are forced out of their normal positions. This can cause pain, swelling, and limited mobility in the affected joint. It is important to seek medical attention for proper treatment.

What is the cause of elderly seeing bugs that aren't there?

Seeing bugs that aren't there in elderly individuals can be caused by a condition called Charles Bonnet Syndrome, which is characterized by visual hallucinations due to loss of vision. It can also be a result of medication side effects, dementia, or neurodegenerative diseases. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine the exact cause and appropriate treatment.

What are the side effects of aspirin as a blood thinner?

Side effects of aspirin as a blood thinner include increased risk of bleeding, stomach irritation, and ulcers. It can also cause allergic reactions in some individuals leading to symptoms such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

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What could cause tenderness and swelling under one eye No bite visible?

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The medical term for involuntary contractions of the eyelid is blepharospasm. This condition can cause the eyelid to twitch or close intermittently and may be temporary or chronic.

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no it can not cause swelling in your legs, but if your allergic to pop it might

What is the medical term meaning any disease of the eyelid?

BlepharoptosisIt is called ptosis of the eyelid. Ptosis occurs when the muscles that raise the eyelid are not strong enough to do so properly. It can affect one eye or both eyes and is more common in the elderly, as muscles in the eyelids may begin to deteriorate. One can, however, be born with ptosis. Congenital ptosis is hereditary in three main forms. Causes of congenital ptosis remain unknown. Ptosis may be caused by damage/trauma to the muscle which raises the eyelid, or damage to the (3rd cranial nerve (oculomotor nerve)) which controls this muscle. Such damage could be a sign or symptom of an underlying disease such as diabetes, a brain tumor, and diseases which may cause weakness in muscles or nerve damage, such as myasthenia gravis. Exposure to the toxins in some snake and insect venoms, such as that of the black mamba may also cause ptosis.

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A blow to the head would cause swelling.

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Swelling on the mustache area can be caused by an ingrown hair, or hairs if the swelling area is large. If the swelling is inside of your mouth, it may be an infection in your gums. If the problem persists, you should probably consult a doctor.

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If someone is allergic to a food, like peanuts, that can cause swelling.

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A tetanus vaccine injection can cause swelling of the arm. If it doesn't get better in a day, talk to the doctor.