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A tetanus vaccine injection can cause swelling of the arm. If it doesn't get better in a day, talk to the doctor.

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Q: Do tetanus cause swelling in the arm?
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Related questions

Can tetanus vaccine cause side effects?

Side effects of the tetanus vaccine are minor: soreness, redness, or swelling at the site of the injection that appear any time from a few hours to two days after the vaccination and disappear in a day or two.

Where do they inject the tetanus shot?

There are actually 4 different forms of the vaccination. The DTaP (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) is injected into to the arm or thigh. The DT (tetanus and diphtheria) is also injected into the arm or thigh. Finally, the Td (tetanus and diphtheria) and the T vaccine (tetanus only) is generally only injected into the upper arm.

How long after a tetanus shot will severe arm muscle pain last?

I recently had a tetanus shot and the nurse told me that my arm would be sore for up to three days.

Does drinking rusty water cause tetanus?

It Might Cause tetanus at a certain point

Can slightly rusty screws cause tetanus?

Most likely yes, rusty screws probably can cause tetanus

Why is your arm sore and swollen from tetanus shot?

Your not use to being shot all the time and sometimes when you get more than one shot in the same arm, it begins to swell up. Soon enough before three days the swelling will stop and return to its regular self.

Does bamboo cause harm to humans?

no it doesn't but if you have a reaction to it it could course a bad rash or swelling round your legs arm and also on your stomach

What is the best site for tetanus toxoid intramuscular injection?

deltoid muscle.(arm)

Why tetanus is very common in horses?

Horses are one of the most susceptible species to the bacterial toxins that cause Tetanus. They also are accident prone and shed the bacteria that cause Tetanus in their feces, which means that the opportunities to contract Tetanus are more frequent with horses.

How long after the tetanus shot does the redness pain and swelling last.?

No longer than 3 or 4 days.

What does right arm swelling and numbness mean?

Right arm swelling and numbness can mean a great variety of things. This can signify a pretty bad neurological problem.

What bacteria produce toxin that can cause tetanus?

The bacterium which produces the toxin that causes tetanus is Clostridium tetani.