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It could be rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, or some other problem. Please make an appointment with your health care provider, as diagnosis over the internet is less reliable and more time-consuming than making time for an exam. Good luck!

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Q: What could these symptoms mean. Flakey skin with red rashes on my forehead cheeks nose and chin. This isn't exposure from sun. I'd just really like to know whats wrong with me?
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Can rosacea be on the arms?

While the most common spots for rosacea are on the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin, symptoms may occasionally occur on the back, arms, legs, and scalp.

Where is rosacea located?

Areas of the face, including the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin, are the primary sites, but some people experience symptoms on their necks, backs, scalp, arms, and legs.

What are some symptoms of sinusitis?

There are a variety of symptoms that one might experience when suffering from sinusitis. Some of the symptoms are pressure, redness or swelling around the cheeks, eyes or forehead or possibly a fever. There is often a thick yellow or green mucus from the nose and the face may be tender to touch.

When do you have A temperature?

You usually have a temperature when your forehead, cheeks, and chest is hot or you can get a ummm..... I for got what it was called but I think it was a thermometer.

What part of the face moves?

your nose, eyes, lips, eyebrows/forehead, some people can move their ears, cheeks

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ears, brain, forehead, cheeks, chin, eyes, nose, and mouth

Is it cheating if your boyfriend kissed a girl in both cheeks and forehead?

It depends on how he feels about her. I kiss my younger stepbrother on the cheeks. Does that make me a cheater? ANSWER: God no, it's like kissing your own mother, sister, grand mother..

What are the parts of the face?

There are eight parts of the face. These parts of the face are the nose, mouth, lips, cheeks, eyes, jaw, forehead, and eyebrows.

What are the symptoms of oral candidiasis?

Whitish patches can appear on the tongue, inside of the cheeks, or the palate.

How do you spell the word face?

The correct spelling is face, just like you spelled it. Mom kissed me on the face--from my forehead to chin and on both cheeks!

Are flushed cheeks a possible sign of pregnancy?

Yes, it can. Rising progesterone levels can cause your cheeks to flush. This was actually one of the first symptoms I noticed in all three of my pregnancies.

Face parts name?

There are different parts that make up the face. The parts are named eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, and forehead. The face is part of the head.