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Test your soil in the fall. Then you will know what you need to add to the soil. The soil report should tell you exactly what you need. You can do an estimate based on which weeds grow in your garden.

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Q: What could you do to improve the fertility of the soil in your garden?
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Which crop improve soil and soil fertility?

Pulses (legumes,beans,peas etc) enrich soil fertility. They have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria (rhizobia) and these are found in the root nodules of pulses. Members of the Rhizobium family fix nitrogen from the atmosphere to the soil and thus improve soil fertility.

How do earthworm improve the health of a garden?

Earthworms improve the health of you garden by fertilizing the soil with their waste and slime.

What type of crop improve soil and soil fertility?

Permanent hay or pasture "crops". Pasture is the most effective way of improving soil and soil fertility because of the animal manure that is incorporated into the soil to help plants grow. But the most important part of improving soil is the way pastures are grazed. Managed Intensive Grazing is the best way to improve soil and soil fertility on a more even distribution of grazing practices.

Could you please help me get a definition for soil fertility decline?

Soil fertility is if it has enough nutrients and water to support crops.

Why does farmer need artifically to improve soil fertility?

This is an interesting question, but not for the reasons you might think. The issue might be why any farmer might wish to improve the fertility of his soil - the answer to which is obvious: because without action on his or her part, the soil is relatively unproductive, and action to improve the fertility makes the crops grow better. But the question contains two important words: need, and artificially. Dealing with "artificially" first, the word could simply mean to improve the fertility by adding something to it, which could include, for example, straw or manure. But more likely, it means increasing fertility by adding chemicals. Then the answer to the question might be "because the soil is deficient in an important element such as biologically active nitrogen, potassium or phosphorous". The word "need" is interesting because it might suggest that the farmer is forced by some external agency to try to improve soil fertility. The answer to the question might then be "because unless the yield is big enough he will default on his bank loan and the bank will repossess the farm". Or perhaps "because decades of misuse of the soil has reduced its natural fertility to the point where additional chemicals are needed." It's important to frame the question correctly!

How can soil quality be improved?

We can improve the soil quality by using Bio Chemical Products like Bio Growth and Bio Compost. Both are the best products to improve the texture, condition and fertility of the soil.

Does soil formation affect the fertility of soil?

No, soil formation doesn't affect the fertility of soil but soil looses its fertility by being exhausted.

How can soil lose its fertility?

how soil loosese fertility what is the answer

How does soil pH affect soil fertility?

soil fertility increases soil PH

Two scientists test soil fertility in a forest and a nearby field Both scientists find that the soil fertility in the forest is higher than the soil fertility in the field Scientist A says that th?

Both scientists' conclusions could be valid