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India because the people began to get upset that their country was a part of the British colonial empire.

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Q: What countries' independence movements were ignited by feelings of nationalism?
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What is the signicifance of nationalism?

feelings of rivalry between countries

What is one result of nationalism?

feelings of rivalry between countries

What types of things strengthen feelings of nationalism?

National symbols such as flags and anthems can do so. A country that has gained its independence at some point in its history will have stronger feelings of nationalism than a country that was never colonised. Countries that are under threat from another country may also has stronger nationalism. Government actions, positive and negative, can increase nationalism. Propaganda could be part of that process. Successes a country has, like in sport, can increase a feeling of nationalism. Celebrating heroes and historic events can increase feelings of nationalism.

What is one result of natonalism?

feelings of rivalry between countries is one result of nationalism.

How did the Age of Revolution lead to growing feelings of nationalism?

From 1774 to 1848 CE, revolutionary movements occurred in Europe and the Americas. The dissatisfaction with absolutist monarchies led to constitutionalist states.

How does nationalism related to art and ideas?

A lot of art can promote feelings of nationalism

How might feelings of nationalism motivate countries to dominate other countries or regions?

By crushing other nations, they needed more pride and power and acquire a sense of dominance.

What are the causes of decolonization?

Main causes of decolonization include The Atlantic Charter, aftermath of the World War II, colonial nationalism and emergence of the U.S and Soviet Union as superpowers. These factors caused decolonization depending on the location and situation of the people.

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