

Best Answer

The United States of America...the First Amendment reads:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

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Q: What countries allow freedom of religion?
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Does China have the freedom of religion?

no they do not have freedom

What did Rhode Island allow as the first of any colony?

Freedom of religion

How important is the freedom of religion?

Very important. Without the freedom of religion there would be state religion.

Why do some countries have only one religion?

Some countries only allow one religion!!

Are there countries that only allow one religion?

Yes, there are countries that officially recognize only one religion and restrict the practice of others. These countries may have a state religion, leading to limitations on the freedom to practice different faiths. Some examples include Saudi Arabia, where Islam is the official religion, and Vatican City, where Catholicism is the state religion.

What counties observe judaism?

All countries which guarantee freedom of religion allow Jews to practice their faith. Throughout Jewish history, Jews who lived in countries where freedom of religion was denied, practiced Judaism in fear or in secret. Only one country has Judaism as the majority, with other faiths respected. That one small country is Israel.

Which was the first city in America to allow freedom religion for all?

native americans

Why dont some countries allow religion?

They belive that it is wrong

Cite examples of how the Jews gradually lost their freedom?

As we have seen recently in some of the middle eastern countries, not all nations allow their citizens the right to freedom of religion. Germany certainly didn't during WWII and the last half of the 1930's.

What term best described as allowing others to freely practice religions of their choice?

Freedom of religion should be allowed in any nation, however, in some nations there is no real freedom of religion. The phrase on freedom of religion is contained in the 1st amendment to the US Constitution. It reads as follows:" Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

What is fredom of religion?

Freedom of worship is the freedom of an individual or community, no matter where they are(in a public or private place), to practice, worship, and observe their religion. It includes the teaching of religion, but does no mean that you must allow someone to teach you there religion. It is generally recognized to also include the freedom to change religion or not to follow any religion.

What religion did the convicts have to follow?

It depends on where and when the convicts are incarcerated. In Western countries, convicts maintain a freedom of religion that freemen also have.