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Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Denmark.

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Q: What countries are symbolized by a lion?
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What does the lion and the unicorn on Britain's coat of arms symbolize?

it symbolized the uniting of two country- England and Scothland.

What is the animal war time symbol for World War 2?

I know of no animal symbol for World War 2, but some countries are symbolized by animals; bear for Russia, lion for Great Britain, eagle for USA, and dragon for China.

Why did Egyptian art and architecture often depict animals such as a lion body of the spinx?

Gods were often symbolized by animals

What are the three spots in the Lion King that symbolized the circle of life?

two of them are from Mufas speech to symba. about the stars and grass and such.

What are the twelve symbols?

The twelve symbols of the zodiac are: Aries: symbolized by the ram (March 21-April 20) Taurus: symbolized by the bull (April 21-May 20) Gemini: symbolized by the twins (May 21-June 20) Cancer: symbolized by the crab (June 21-July 20) Leo: symbolized by the lion (July 21-August 20) Virgo: symbolized by the maiden (August 21-September 20) Libra: symbolized by the scales (September 21-October 20) Scorpio: symbolized by the scorpion (October 21-November 20) Sagittarius: symbolized by the centaur/archer (November 21-December 20) Capricorn: symbolized by the Sea-Goat (December 21- January 19) Aquarius: symbolized by the Water Bearer (January 20-February 18) Pisces: symbolized by the Fish (February 19-March 20)

Which countries do lion live?


What is an ancient Egyptian griffin?

== == The griffin has the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. It was considered to be a powerful and majestic creature. the griffin symbolized divine power.

What are all the zodiac symbols?

Aries- Ram Taurus- Bull Gemini- Twins Cancer- Crab Leo- Lion Virgo- Virgin Libra- Scales Scorpio- Scorpion Capricorn- Goat Aquarius-Water bearer Pisces- Two fish swimming in opposite directions

Which countries name means lion?


Which two countries are represented in The Lion and the Unicorn?

The lion represented England and the unicorn represented Scotland.

Why did the sphinx protect the pyramids?

People wanted to see the Sphinx because of its unnatural characteristics. It had the head of man, the body of a lion, and the tail of an ox. it symbolized peace and unity.

The lion bulldog and rose are what countries emblems?

china and England