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Q: What countries formed the British empire in 1922?
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When was the height of the British empire?


What was the first country to leave the British Empire?

Eire, or the The Republic of Ireland, had their independence from the British Empire ratified in January 1922 followed by Egypt in February 1922.

What year did the Ottoman Empire dissolve and Turkey formed?


What was the size of the British Empire at it's peak?

At its highest peak, the british empire encompassed a third of the worlds land surface.

In what year was the British empire biggest?

The Romans arrived in Britain in 55AD.

Why Northern Ireland as part of British empire and not Ireland?

This is because the majory of people living in it known as unionist want to remain part of the UK. At one stage the whole island of Ireland was part of the Great Britain because the king at the time took control. As time went by only the nothern end of this island wanted to remain part of Great Britain called Ulster.

What are the dates for the height of the British empire?

From 1919 (transferring of some German and Ottoman territories to the United Kingdom after WWI) to 1922-23 (British leaving Egypt).

Why did Ireland join the United Kingdom?

Sadly i Do Not Know.However I Feel The Eu Has Many Strong countries Such As My Own country Scotland And The Countries Around it .Sadly i Do Not Know.However I Feel The Eu Has Many Strong countries Such As My Own country Scotland And The Countries Around it .

When was the USSR and Soviet Union formed?

it was formed in 1922

When was the USS.R formed?


When was BBC formed?

In 1922

How was the Soviet formed?

The Soviet Union was formed through a treaty which was signed by the members. This happened in 1922 and the member parties were Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and Transcaucasian. Each of these countries was ruled by Bolshevik parties.