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Q: What countries have the most American children?
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Which countries have the most American children living abroad?


What countries have the most hungry children?

Africa and Asia

What are the official languages of most Latin American countries?

The official language of most Latin American countries is Spanish. However, in countries such as Brazil, the official language is Portuguese. Additionally, some countries have recognized indigenous languages as official, such as Quechua in Peru and Guarani in Paraguay.

What countries economy depends of farming and ranching?

most south American countries

Why do people in the poorest countries tend to have the most children?

because most of them die

How were most Latin American countries goverened?

by the citizens.

From what countries are the most immigrants from today?

Most immigrants to America now is Mexico and many latin American countries

What has been the most frequent method of changing governments in most Latin American countriess?

The most frequent method of changing governments in most Latin American countries has been through military coup d'etat. Most South American countries do not practice democracy.

Most Latin American countries have what system of government?

Most Latin American countries have democratic or federal republic governments. Franklin Roosevelts "Good Neighbor Policy"

what decades do most Latin American countries gain independence from European countries?


Which countries have poor children?

there are lots of countries that have poor children living in them,but i only know that Africa is the country that has most of the poor children in like Kenya. ETC. i hope this helps

What do Scottish children look like today?

Scottish children are virtually indistinguishable from children of most other "western" countries.