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Many countries these days use children as soldiers; not just in Africa but almost in every continent. Somalia, Afghanistan, Burma, Bolivia and UK are just some of the nations that practice this.

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11y ago

Child soldiers are used in hostile third world African countries and most of your Asian countries.

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14y ago

Most places where they have child labour.

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In Africa

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Q: What countries use child soldiers?
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Related questions

Why do some countries use child soldiers?

Unethical countries, where people have no moral boundaries. Usually in LEDC's.

Does Libya use child soldiers?

Answer 1Libya does not use child soldiers but i do believe they agree with other countries for using child soldiers and i believe they have used child soldiers in the past.Answer 2It is unclear whether Libya uses child soldiers. During the Libyan Civil War in 2011, both Ghadhafi Loyalists and the Transitional Government Rebels used child soldiers with heavier child recruitment on the rebel side.

Why do countries recruit and use child soldiers?

No idea. Hope someone else helps you.

Does Zimbabwe use child soldiers?

Yes, they do use child soldiers.

What countries mandate child soldiers?


Which country has the most child soldiers?

It is difficult to pinpoint the country with the most child soldiers as the use of child soldiers is a widespread issue in many conflict-affected regions. However, countries such as Somalia, South Sudan, and Syria have been identified as having a high number of child soldiers involved in armed conflict.

Why do countries use child soldiers?

Most countries use men for soldiers unless they are short. Then they will use older children for war.

Are boys or girls more common in child soldiers?

In less developed countries which have child soldiers the majority of them would be male.

What countries have child soldiers?

Almost all third world countries use child soldiers. Some radical Muslim armies have been known to send children into mine fields to sweep for mines before the adult soldiers walked into those areas. They consider the children killed in these exercises martyrs that will be welcomed in heaven for their sacrifice.

What are soldiers use?

Soldiers uses are mostly to protect their countries.

Do Ethiopians use child soldiers?


Does Eritrea use child soldiers?

no they don't