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Q: What countries joined war on britain's side?
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What did America have to do with World War I?

in 1917 the war came to a stalemate, so neither side could win. USA joined the war on Britains side in April 1917. This caused the Germans to launch a final enormous attack on france, but they could not breakthrough.

What countries where on the allies side during ww1?

Britain, France, Italy, Russia (dropped out in the war), USA ( eventually joined in 1917), and 21 smaller countries.

Did any countries swap side in World War 2?

One Battalion of Georgians switched sides, there were a few countries who declared neutrality but then joined the war, there were also countries who dropped out early. But, there were no major players who switched sides.

What date did England join World War 1 and why?

England had joined the Great War when they Declared on Germany for attacking both Belgium and France who were Britains allies

What was the other side in the world war 1 besides central powers?

allied countries (great Britain,France,russia and japan joined in weeks later,and Italy joined later)

What were Britains motives for World War 1?

Britains goal was to win the war then continue conquring the world.

In the civil war who led forces opposing the royalist?

the catholics joined the kings side the catholics joined the kings side

What countries supported Serbia in World War 1?

Russia supported Serbia first, then when Germany entered the war (on the side of Austria-Hungary--the Central Powers), France and Britain joined in as well (on the side of Serbia--The Allies). Bulgaria joined in later (Central Powers), as did Italy (Allies). As it became truly a world war, Japan and the United States joined (part of the Allies), and so did the Ottoman Empire (Central Powers), and several other countries such as Portugal, Romania, etc. on the Allied side.

Who were Germany's enemies during World War 1?

The enemies of Germany in World War I were Britain, France, Russia (left in 1916), America (joined when Russia left) and Italy (joined in 1914). Also Serbia & Romania were enemies of Germany.

What European countries began World War I?

The countries that started World War I were Serbia, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia. Those were the base and then more countries joined.

What 2 countries joined the war against Britain?

Nazi Germany and Japan .