

What countries made up the allies and axis powers?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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The Axis powers were Japan, Germany and Italy

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12y ago

Germany, Japan and Itali

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Q: What countries made up the allies and axis powers?
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Which countries and figureheads made up the allies and axis powers of world war 2?

Germany , Italy , Japan , United Kingdom , United States , and Soviet Union

What countries made Axis Powers?

Germany, Italy and Japan

The Axis powers were made up of coalition of countries that opposed the?

powers in World War II.

What three major countries made up the Axis Powers?

Germany, Italy and Japan were known as he Axis powers. Oppssing them were the Allies, Great Britain, USA, Canada, all of the the British Dominions, Holland, Belgium, France, Poland,Czechoslovakia, Greece, and Brazil.

Who made up the Axis who made up the Allies?

You momma made up the axis and allies

What countries made up axis powers in World War 2?


What are the 3 countries that made the powers of the access?

I think you mean axis, not access.

What countries made up the Allies Powers in WWI?

Allies & Axis powers Axis powers: Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria. Allies Powers: U.S., Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia.

What therr major countries made up the allied powers?

The allies were England, France, and the USA.

Who was part of the allies and Axis in World War 2?

The axis was made up of the Germans, Italians, and the Japanese. The main allied powers were the United states, Britain, and Canada. There were resistance groups in France who helped the allies after D-day.

Which two European countries made up the Axis powers?

Usually there is known to be three main countries in the Axis Powers. Germany, Italy and Japan are the major three they are also known as the Tri Axis. However there are more countries in theAxis Powers then just those three, there is Austria-Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria among others. The Axis Powers, isjust thetitleGermany and those allied with Germany gave themselves for World War Two, just like in World War One they were known as the Central Powers although in World War One these were not allthe same countries allied with Germany. Hope this helps!

What countries would join together to form the axis powers in World War 2?

The Axis Powers was a military alliance during WW2 (1939-1945) consisting of Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. The three major Axis powers were Germany, Japan, and Italy, which signed a Tripartite Pact on September 27, 1939. The entire Axis Powers alliance was disolved in 1945 at the end of WW2.