

What countries use the US dollar as their currency?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Lebanon, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Panama, Ecuador

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Q: What countries use the US dollar as their currency?
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What Latin American countries use the dollar?

Panama, El Salvador, and Ecuador officially use the US Dollar as their currency.

What is the name of currency?

there is no true name for currency. currency is the type of "money" people use to purchase things for example US currency is called the dollar and England currency is called the pound

What currency does America use?

The currency in America is the US Dollar. A currency is a system of money used in a country. Some countries share currencies, like the Euro, while others have their own. The US Dollar is the official currency of the United States and its overseas territories. It is sometimes also referred to as the American Dollar or the United States Dollar.

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The currency in use is the US Dollar

What type of currency does the US have?

They use the US $ (Dollar).

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What currency do they use in US?

The US$ (the US Dollar) Americans use dollars and cents. there are 100 cents in every dollar.

Why do countries have their own currency?

Countries have their own Currency as a lot of them were made to only be used in their country of origin. Currencies like the US Dollar are widely accepted in countries outside the US due to its value over the countries own currency.

What kind of currency does Micronesia use?

The currency for Micronesia is the US Dollar (USD).

What money do North America use?

There are three countries in north America. Canada, United States, and Mexico. The US uses dollars. The other two countries use different currency.

In what country is the American dollar worth the least?

The US dollar is not as much as the Canadian Dollar, the Euro, or the British Pound, so in countries that use those form of currency is where it would be the least.

What currency do Canada us?

I'll assume you mean "What currency does Canada use?". The answer is the Canadian dollar, or just dollar.