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Q: What countries was not a member of the Axis powers during World War 2 Germany Italy Japan or Russia?
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Which of these countries was not a member of the triple alliance?

Well, the Triple Entente were the UK, France and Russia - The Dreikaiserbund were Russia, Austro-Hungary and Germany.

Is Russia a member of the schengen countries?

No , Russia is not part of the Schengen Area.

What countries were a part of the the axis powers?

Japan, Italy, and for a little bit Russia, and most especially, Germany.

Is it true that Germany England Russia France and Italy are members of the EU?

No. Russia is not a member.

Was Russia a member of the Axis power during World War 2?

Nope. Hitler broke the treaty between Germany and Russia. I forgot the name of the treaty, but it states basically that Germany won't attack Russia, and Russia won't attack Germany..something along those lines if I am an ounce correct. Hitler attacked Russia, which broke the treaty, leading Joseph Stalin(Leader of Russia at the time) to join the Allies..and battle against the Axis powers(Germany, Italy, Japan.)

What 3 other countries is Germany friends with?

As a member of NATO, the EU and UN, Germany is "friends" with many other countries.

When was Russia admitted into the European Union?

Russia is not a member of the European Union, which has 28 nations. Not all European countries are members of it.

Which countries are Member of G-8?

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States; in addition, the EU is represented within the G8, but cannot host or chair.

Which countries were a member a central power?

Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary

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What country allied with Austria and declared war on two strong countries of the Triple Entente?

Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary in 1914. Serbia was allied with Russia, and Russia was a member of the Triple Entente with France and Britain. When Austria declared war on Serbia after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. Russia declared war on Austria. Germany then declared war on Russia and subsequently on France and Britain.

What country was added to the European union in 1990?

In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.In 1990, West Germany, a member of what is now the European Union, reunited with East Germany, which was not a member. Together they became Germany and are part of the European Union. You could say the East Germany joined, but East Germany did not exist when re-unification occurred. So there was no addition to the membership as such. 12 countries were members before the re-unification, and after the re-unification of Germany, there were still 12 countries. All that happened was that the structure of one member changed, and became known as Germany.