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WWII was a global conflict on June 6, 1944. The Normandy landings included operations throughout the European theater. There was no close air support during the landings to avoid friendly fire casualties on the beaches and to the paratroop divisions further inland. Early air strikes were directed at troops and infrastructure that Germany needed to move reinforcements to the defense of the Normandy peninsula, and at maintaining the ruse that the main attack would be a landing near Calais where Germany had placed its elite troops. Later strikes were made to help the invasion force break out of its beachhead. The direct answer to your question would be a meaningless list England France Germany Belgium Netherlands Denmark Italy Philippines Japan and so on if you could scour military archives for all the operational reports from that day.

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Q: What countries were bombed in d day?
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Who bombed first in d-day what went on?

The Allied Air Forces bombed the Normandy area for 3-4 days preceding D-Day and even on the Day immediately before the landings.

What country was bombed by America on D-Day?

Type your answer here... Japan homie

What countries fought in d day?

The countries that fought in D-Day were US, Britain,France and Russia.

What countries was d-day fought in?

D Day was fought in France.

Why were railways bridges and roads bombed during d-day?

so people could not cross and die easly

What 2 countries were badly bombed?

Many countries have been badly bombed. Please ask a more specific question.

What happened first in World War 2 the bombing or the invasion?

The D-Day invasion beaches and defences were bombed beforehand. The invasion happened after.

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North Korea has threatened to bomb lots of countries but hasn't bombed any countries yet (although it did invade South Korea during the years 1950-1953).

Why wasn't Kokura bombed?

Because it was cloudy that day, so instead they bombed Nagasaki.

What counteries were with Britain D-DAY?

The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many smaller countries were with Britain on D-Day.

Did d day influence other countries to fight Germany and the axis or did it cause Germany and axis to leave the war?

All the countries that were against Germany were already in the fighting. Many smaller countries had contingent of troops landing on D-Day.

Who fought in the battle of d-day?

The countries that fought in D-Day were Allied Forces eg US, Britain,France and their enemy Germany.