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Q: What country belong Czechs?
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What country did Hitler demand in Czechoslovakia?

It wasnt a country. It was an area around Czechoslovakia that was called the Sudentland. He said the Czechs were misstreating Germans

What countries belong to us?

No countries belong to another country. If that was the case then the "country" wouldn't be a country.

Whose demands were met by the Austrian emperor?

Magyars and Czechs.s.e.g.

What country ruled the czechs from the 1500s to 1918?

i belive its probably europe i do not know. but if you find the real answer then let me know okay .

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Haiti is a country located in the Caribbean. It shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic.

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should belong to every country. the word means friendship

Why weren't the czechs invited to the Munich conference?

The Czechs were not invited to the Munich conference by the British or French. The British and French though that the Czechs would not help make a deal with Hitler.

How are Czechs different from Slovak's?

They both have a "little state" complex. Slovaks are quiet (and well.. not many people know about them) because of it, but Czechs are pretty much loud and make fun of everyone who live in country that is bigger than Czech Republic. For example - USA, Russia, China, Japan... But both Slovaks and Czechs love alcohol. Slovaks prefer brandy, Czechs beer (and Czech beer is actually better than Germany) ;). And remember this - most of the Slovaks hateCzechs.

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They belong to Portugal.

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They belong to Spain.

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They belong to the Philippines.