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Q: What country did Alexander fought to free Greek cities in Asia?
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Who had the strongest army in Greece and fought other Greek cities to fight Persia?

Philip II and Alexander the Great

What Greek cities fought the Syrians and won?

When did you have in mind.

What happened instead of Alexander the great wanting the cultures of his defeated cities to survive and mix with Greek culture?

because Alexander tried to mix the Greek cities and the Hellenistic cites didn't mix and there your answer to your question

Why did Alexander the Great build other cities?

he wanted to spread greek culture

Who fought in the battle of thermopylae?

The Persian army versus contingents from southern Greek cities.

Why Greek became a common language throughout Alexander's empire?

Alexander admired Greek culture and worked to spread Greek influence by founding cities in the lands he conquered. He encouraged Greek settlers to move to these new cities and as a result, Greek became a common language throughout Alexander's empire. Evan as he supported the spread of Greek culture, however, Alexander encouraged common people to keep their own customs and traditions. the new, blended culture that developed is called Hellenistic. It was not purely Greek, but it was heavily influenced by Greek ideas.

Did Alexander spread Greek influence in news cities he found?

The over 70 cities were modeled on Greek cultural lines and acted as a cultural centre for the provinces they were located in..

What cities did Alexander the Great conquer?

Alexander the Great didn't conquer cities, unless you are talking about the Greek city states he conquered to unite Greece under his hegemony. Alexander conquered the Persian Empire and took over all its holdings which included Egypt and capitulated without a battle, and then fought Porus in modern day Pakistan with intentions to push forward into India.

What country did the name Alex come from?

it's Greek like Alexander

Was Alexander the Great Albanian from his mothers side because Olympias was Epirote and the Epirotes were Illyrian?

Alexander's mother, Olympias was Molossian. The Molossi were a Greek tribe living in Epirus. Epirotes were Greek. Alexander the great was Greek by both parents. His father, Pihilip II, was Macedonian, that is Greek. Alexander's grand father, Alexander I, participated in the Olympics where at that time only Greeks could participate.

Why did Alexander wanted to destroy the cities he conquer?

Because he loved the greek culture and wanted to spread it allover

What was the purpose of Alexander the Great's newly built cities?

To bring Greek culture to the conquered Persian Empire.