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Q: What country did black pepper comes from?
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Which country does peppers come from?

Peppers originated in Central and South America. They were first cultivated in regions such as Mexico, Peru, and Bolivia, before eventually spreading throughout the world. Today, peppers are grown in many countries and are an essential ingredient in various cuisines.

Which state is the largest producer of black pepper in India?

Black pepper accounts for the largest volume of exports in India. Kerala, in the southern region of the country, is the largest producer of black pepper, accounting for 90% of total pepper production.

What is the chemical formula for black pepper?

Black pepper is a complex mixture of substances, but most of the "spiciness" comes from the compound piperine, which is made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen.

Which country does black pepper come from?

Western Ghats of Kerala State, India

Where is white pepper grown?

Both black & white pepper originate from the same source. They come from the peppercorns of the plant pepper nigrum. The difference is in the way they are harvested. Black pepper comes from peppercorns that are harvested when green & allowed to dry in the sun until they blacken. White pepper comes from peppercorns that are allowed to ripen fully before picking & then are soaked in water to remove the outer hull.

What is the hottest pepper-ground red pepper or black?

black pepper

What food includes black pepper?

black pepper,

What country does pepper come from?

Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine which is native to South East Asia and China. Nowerdays it extensively cultivated in many tropical regions and currently Vietnam is the world's largest producer and exporter of pepper.

Is black pepper a shrub or herb?

why black pepper a herb

What part of the plant does pepper come from?

India Hence the spice trade and the search for a way to get things that make bland food taste better. There's a reason Colombus called Native Americans Indians, that's where he wanted to go.

What is the scientific name of black pepper?

black pepper

What is the black pepper's scientific name?

The botanical name of black pepper is Piper nigrum.