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Both the United States and England wanted Oregon in 1848. Instead of going to war, the United States went to war with Mexico and gained far more territory. The United States and England signed a peace treaty. The United States made out like a bandit. It got far and away the best piece of land.

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Q: What country did the US almost go to war with over Oregon country?
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Was the civil war fought before the Oregon trail?

The Oregon trail was first blazed (founded) in the 1840's, almost 20 years before the Civil War began. Thousands had traveled on it and established Oregon as a state before the war began.

What is a reason for british government to compromise on the Oregon country?

The fear of war with the U.S. and

When was Oregon territory?

the Oregon country purchase was in 1814 after the war of 1812 it was bought before Texas and the land given up by Mexico

How did the arrival of so many us settlers affect the agreement between Britain and the US over the Oregon country?

The settlement of Oregon country by the US didn't effect the relationship with the United Kingdom too badly. Neither country wanted to fight another war with each other. They ended up with a compromise settlement.

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What country did America go to war with in 1846?

Well the U.S. went to war with Mexico. And all of this happened because of Manifest Destiny. After the war with Mexico we gained the Oregon Territory; it make up of Idaho, Washington, and Oregon of course.

Did Oregon fight in any wars?

Oregon was involved in wars that the rest of the country was involved in, such as the Civil War, both World Wars, and the Gulf Wars. As far as their own wars, they fought in the Snake War, which lasted from 1864-1868. It was a war fought against the Indian tribes that lived along the Snake River. It left over 1,700 dead.

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How was Oregon Country acquired?

We told Britain we would fight another war or just let us have it and they did

Was Oregon Country ceded by Mexico after Mexico War?

Not at all. The territories won over from Mexico were present-day California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming.