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During the Cold War the Soviet Union under the leadership of Nikita Kruschev placed missiles in Cuba, and island that is 90 miles from the Southern tip of Florida. This became known as the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was the closest the World ever got to Nuclear War between the World's two main Super Power's of the time.

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Cuba. Cuban Missle Crisis. The US made Cuba reject the missle project by ending all contact and trade with them then Britan did the same

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Q: What country did the US and the Soviet Union have a dangerous standoff over the presence of Soviet missiles in?
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What country did the US and soviet union had a dangerous standoff over the presence of soviet missiles?

Cuba. The reason the USSR put missiles there was to get rid of the U.S. Jupiter missiles in Turkey. Both were removed.

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turkey :)

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Yes, it was because of the missiles range and how close it was to the U.S.A.

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Well, if i knew that some dangerous people were constructing missiles, i would want to stop it, so he was probably scared and wanted to keep the country safe without causing too much of a problem.

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When did the Soviet Union install missiles in Cuba?

There is no picture of any actual missiles in Cuba.. All the pictures are of sites and trucks and empty carriers and items covered up. The entire ploy was to get the US to remove Missiles from Turkey.