

What country did the first violin come from?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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i think its Italy or India

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Q: What country did the first violin come from?
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What country is violin?

violin isn't a country its a instrument

Did violin come before cello?

Violin came firs

What was the first country to have a violine in a country?

Although similarly bowed instruments were cited in other countries, it is claimed that the violin was invented in Italy during the 16th century. Brescia in Italy was known to be the center of violin players and makers at that time.

Where can you find a picture of the first violin ever made?

The first violin made was by Andrea Amati in 1555. There are a few violins of his from that year that would be the actual first violin. A search of "violin Amati 1555" would give you pictures of these instruments.Interestingly, the first instrument in the violin family was not the violin. It was the viola!

In what country does the Violin mostly play?

The violin plays around the world in orchestras.

When was the violin first made?

The oldest surviving violin was built in 1564 by Andrea Amati, in Cremona.

Who was the first to play the violin?

I'm not positive but I think gypsy's were the first to play violin.

Who invented the first violin?

from how i feel and what i know Andrea amati was the first to invent the violin..!

What instrument does the violin come from?


Where in Italy did the violin come from?

In Italy

What come with a violin?

depends on what you bargain for. Normally: violin, bow, case and maybe rosin

First violin compared to second violin?

The first violin and second violin are the same instruments. In an ensemble (orchestra, symphony, ect.) the first violin plays the higher part and the melody, while the second violin plays the lower part or the harmony. There is sometimes also a third violin, which plays the lower part along with the second violin, and this can go on and on. (4th, 5th, 6th) One common misconception is that the first violin plays the harder part, but this is not always true. The violins playing the harmony might have a harder time supporting the first violins.