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Q: What country do tropical spiders live in?
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spiders and stuff

Where do brown widow spiders often live?

Around Buildings In Tropical Islands.

In what country do spiders live?

In Mr.Dalasta's classroom

Where do huntsmans live?

Huntsman spiders live in Australia, Southeast Asia, Florida, Hawaii and other tropical places

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What insects live in the tropical rainforest?

spiders, ants, worms and many more. birds eat the worms. you would find spiders crawling around every where!

What country or state do red back spiders live in?


What does people do when spiders are around?

Hire an exterminator! Or if you live in a country where appropriate you roast said spiders and enjoy them as a delicacy.

Do spiders have scales?

some have skin like ones that live in Ireland but ones that live in tropical atmospheres are thought to have fur but they are really just hairy

In what part of the country do spiders live?

Spiders live all over the world. If you're asking where do most spiders live it's in the desert. Spider can be found everywhere and have adapted in one way or another to nearly all climates.

What do the chameleon eat?

Tarzan chameleon feast on insects, hence they live in tropical forests. The insects consists of bugs, Spiders flies, and crickets.

Which Group of tropical spiders that can kill birds?
