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when Germany tried to send the telegram to a german officer in Austria, the u.s. intercepted it first and this was one of the things that contributed to the increasing tension towards going to war for the u.s. (along with the sinking if the lusitania)

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Q: What country first intercepted the Zimmerman note?
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Zimmerman note was sent from Germany to?

The Zimmerman note was meant to be sent to Mexico, before it was intercepted by the United States.

Why was the zimmerman note written?

The Zimmerman note was written to gain alliance with Mexico. It was intercepted and is one of the reasons the US decided to fight in World War 1.

What was the message sent to Mexico that was intercepted by the british and caused the us to enter ww1?

the zimmerman note.

What nation informed American authorities about the Zimmerman note?

The British intercepted the Zimmerman Telegram while monitoring German diplomatic messages, and revealed it to the US.

When was the Zimmerman Note intercepted?

It was received by the Mexican president, Venustiano Carranza, on January 16, 1917. He officially declined the offer stated on the telegram on April 14 of that same year, but by that date, the United States had already entered WW1.

What note intercepted by the US asked Mexico if they would aid Germany in the war against the US?

The Zimmerman Telegram qualifies as such.

What country wrote the Zimmerman Note?


What was the letter that was intercepted asking Mexico to attack America?

The Zimmerman Telegram. The authenticity of it is questioned by many historians.

This contained a suggestion of an alliance between Mexico and Germany that deeply angered the American people?

The Zimmerman note contained a suggestion of an alliance between Mexico and Germany. This note was intercepted and when it was read, it angered the American people.

Zimmerman telegraph?

German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmerman had secretly proposed a German-Mexican alliance against the United States. When the note was intercepted and published in March 1917, it caused an uproar that made some Americans more willing to enter the war.

The zimmermann note pushed the united stated closer to war because?

The note was from a German Ambassador (Zimmerman) to Mexico which stated that if Mexico attacked the then neutral USA then they would receive a very nice monetary award. The note was intercepted by the Brits and then given to the US.

Who proposed an alliance between Mexico and Russia?

Most probably, you are referring to an alliance between Mexico and Germany during WW1. It was Arthur Zimmerman, German ambassador in Mexico. His "Zimmerman note" was intercepted by British intelligence and forwarded to the American government, hastening American entry into WW1.