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North Korea discriminates the most.

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It is difficult to pinpoint one country as having the most racial discrimination, as it varies greatly depending on various factors. However, countries with a history of colonialism, social unrest, or deep-seated prejudice may have higher levels of racial discrimination. Countries like the United States, South Africa, Brazil, and India have faced significant challenges in addressing racial discrimination.

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Why is there racial discrimination?

Racial discrimination exists due to deep-seated biases, prejudices, and stereotypes that lead people to treat others unfairly based on their race or ethnicity. This discrimination is often rooted in historical, social, and economic factors that perpetuate systemic inequalities and divisions among different racial groups. Education, awareness, and advocacy are crucial in combating racial discrimination and promoting a more inclusive society.

Wrote about racial discrimination?

Racial discrimination is the unjust treatment of individuals based on their race or ethnicity. It can manifest in various forms, such as hate crimes, unequal access to opportunities, and institutional bias. Addressing racial discrimination requires systemic changes, including education, legislation, and advocacy for equality and inclusion.

Should the AA SS spend time and money opposing racial discrimination in the north?

Yes, the AA SS should spend time and money opposing racial discrimination in all regions, including the north, to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all individuals regardless of where they live. Fighting against racial discrimination in all forms is essential for promoting social justice and equality.

Moving as a result of racial discrimination or religious persecution are examples of?

Forced displacement.

What does racial tensions mean?

Racial tensions refer to conflicts or disagreements between different racial or ethnic groups, often stemming from historical discrimination or stereotyping. These tensions can manifest in various forms, including prejudice, discrimination, and unequal treatment based on race. Addressing and reducing racial tensions typically involve promoting understanding, empathy, and equal opportunities for all individuals.

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I've never heard about country like Americas in Europe... anyway in Europe any racial discrimination is punishable and socially unacceptable...

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Racial discrimination was mostly ended by 1964.

When was Campaign Against Racial Discrimination created?

Campaign Against Racial Discrimination was created in 1964.

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racial segregation and discrimination

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Racial discrimination and poverty were issues that encouraged Communist Party membership.

Truman's plan to end racial discrimination was not approved by?

Congress did not approve of President Truman's plan to end racial discrimination. Executive Order 9981 ended racial discrimination in the military.

Who was involved in the racial discrimination act?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a significant piece of legislation in the United States that made it illegal to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson and involved many civil rights leaders, activists, and politicians who fought for equality and justice. Key figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and other advocates played crucial roles in the movement leading up to the enactment of this legislation.

When was Group Against Racial Discrimination - Fiji - created?

Group Against Racial Discrimination - Fiji - was created in 1990.

What kind of discrimination did African Americans face?

Racial discrimination.

What country was banned from the Olympics games from 1962 to 1991?

South Africa, because of racial discrimination.

What steps did Roosevelt take to solve racial discrimination?

No one has solved racial discrimination, nor can they. We have very effective statutes that suppress it.