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Q: What country is the largest producer of key limes?
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All the Key Limes you have found in the stores are green in color which from what you have read means they are not ripe Does the flavor improve after picking as they do not turn yellow after you buy t?

No. and most of the "key limes" in stores are Mexican limes which are not key limes or poor quality key limes from Texas.

Is a key lime yellow or green?

Key limes are very small green limes. It is a light green.

What does 'key' stand for in key lime pie?

Key limes are a type of lime.

What does key stand for in key lime pie?

Key limes are a type of lime.

What is the difference between regular limes and key limes?

key limes are much smaller, but have more intense flavor. When using the juice in cooking, use about 1/3rd less key lime juice than lime juice for the same results.

Why are there no limes in key lime pie?

There is key lime "juice" in key lime pie.

Why do lemons have seeds but limes dont?

The limes we buy are Persian Limes, their flowers do not need to be pollenated to produce fruit, similar to the seedless watermelon and navel orange, key limes do have seeds.

What recipies are limes in?

key lime cake look it up

What makes key lime pie tart?

The juice of key limes makes key lime pie tart.

Where can I find recipes that use key limes?

Here is a link to a discussion about that same topic, recipes that use key limes that include desserts, appetizers and entrees alike:

Can you replace limes with strawberries in key lime pie?

Yes, but it would not be as nice.

What is key lime juice?

Key lime juice is nothing more than juice from a variety of limes called key limes. they are smaller than the Persian limes typically found in American grocery stores.