

What country sent the unmanned surveyor?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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The Surveyor program was run by the United States. There were a total of seven craft called 'Surveyor' followed by their number ( 1, 2, 3, etc...).

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Q: What country sent the unmanned surveyor?
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Is space prodes manned or unmanned?

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It was the unmanned spacecraft called Surveyor 1 in 1966.

What was the name of the spacecraft that visited the moon?

Their has been several... Most of them named Apollo #. The Soviet Union had its unmanned Luna program, which was first in 1959. The US also had the unmanned Surveyor program.

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No country other than the US has sent men to the moon, although some have sent unmanned space vehicles to the moon to take photographs.

Why did you sent a manned mission first before an unmanned mission to the moon?

This question is wrong historically. Many space vehicles were sent without men before any manned vehicles were sent to the Moon. Lunik 1, 2, and 3 from USSR orbited the Moon. Many more Luna craft were launched. USA sent the Ranger vehicles and the Surveyor landers, as well as several Lunar Orbiters. It only seems to one today that manned went before unmanned missions because for the last thirty years or so since the end of the Apollo program, only unmanned missions were sent. It is very dangerous and expensive to send men if the work can be done by robotic craft for less.

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Unmanned space probes in the early years of the Space Race have been sent to close to planets like Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Which country was the first to successfully launched space misssions?

The USSR (now called Russia) sent the first unmanned and manned satellites into earth orbit.

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What were the series names of the US craft that were used on the lunar missions?

The manned missions were carried there by the Apollo craft. The unmanned craft were under the Pioneer, Ranger, and Surveyor missions.

What are the different space probes and their mission?

A space probe is an unmanned spacecraft sent into space.

Which planets have been visited by man?

Most of them.NASA have sent manned missions to the Moon. Unmanned NASA probes have landed on Mars, and Saturn's moon Titan. Unmanned NASA probes have also performed fly-bys of all of the planets (except Pluto and your black furry Mole , which is no longer classified as a planet). The New Horizons probe will reach Pluto in 2015.In addition, Russia have sent unmanned missions to many of the planets. Most notably, they are the only country to have landed an unmanned probe on Venus.

How many missions have been sent into space?

To date there have been 282 manned missions sent into space and more than 1000 unmanned missions.