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There are a handful of European countries that have a population with a larger volume of blone-haired-blue-eyed people than normal; namely Germany.

Other nations that fit this criteria:





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Q: What country would people have blonde hair and blue eyes?
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Related questions

What did the natzis call people with blonde hair and blue eyes?

Aryans. (not Arians, which would be, like, birds)

How would the world be if Germany won the war?

he would kill everyone other than people with blonde hair and blue eyes

Are blonde's with blue eyes hot?

Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. Everyone doesn't agree on what constitutes beauty. To some people blonde people with blue eyes are pretty.

How did people get blue eyes and blonde hair?

By genes, they were born with them

Why did Hitler's super race have blonde hair and blue eyes and he did not?

The Aryans was not just blonde hair blue eyed people that was just propaganda and the ideal look, Hitler did have blue eyes.

Black dark hair people comes from Asia but where all blonde hair people originally comes from?

blonde hair is originally said to be of nordic (northwestern decent) same with blue eyes coining the term blonde hair blue eyes

What happened to the people Hitler saw had no blue eyes and blonde hair?

To be Aryan did not necessarily mean you had to have blonde hair & blue eyes. This interpretation of Aryan is a postwar pop-culture myth. Everyone knew what Hitler looked like. Very few of the top Nazi leaders had blonde hair & blue eyes. Even among the people of Norway & Sweden, blonde hair & blue eyes are not the majority.

Why do people Argentines have blonde hair and blue eyes?

because they are from European Ancestry

What hair color is best for pale people with blue eyes?

Blonde like me!

Would people with blue eyes and medium to pale skin suit platinum blonde hair?

Platinum blonde suits those with fair skin and blue or grey eyes- but it has a tendency to go brassy and will make your face seem more pink than it actually is!

What was peoples opinions about Hitler ruling Germany?

Some people's opinion was that he was out of order because he said that only people with blue eyes and blonde hair was aloud to be apart of the nazi Germany but he didn't have blonde hair or blue eyes.

What would Nazis do if you were Jewish with blonde hair and blue eyes?

Jews with blonde hair and blue eyes were treated in exactly the same way as Jew with brown eyes and dark hair.