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Q: What covers the airway to the lungs to prevent anything other than air from going into your lungs?
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What is the esophgus?

an esophagus keeps food from going down your airway.

What is the epiglottis and what is its function?

The epiglottis is a little flap of mucus covered tissue that is attached to the root of the tongue. It is not the uvula (aka: the hang down thing in your mouth). Its purpose is to prevent food going into the airway passage.

What is the function of the esophgus?

The esophagus is a tube that connects your pharynx (tube that is posterior to the nasal cavity and mouth) down the stomach. Each time you swallow, the epiglottis covers your larynx (airway to your lung) to prevent food from going into the larynx and to ensure the food goes down your esophagus to the esophageal junction, where the food is deposited into your stomach for digestion. Peristalsis is the autonomic function in which the esophageal muscles push the food down the esophagus into the stomach.

What could happen from grape juice going wrong pipe and me coughing and choking?

Grape juice or anything for that matter will cause choking if going down the air pipe of the throat. The results are minor to nothing. This is dependent on how much grape juice went down the airway.

What can obstruct the airway in a cardic arrest?

An obstruction of the upper airway involves the blockage of the airway in the throat, trachea (airway going to the lungs) or the voice box. Multiple things can cause upper airway obstruction, such as foreign objects (choking), swelling due to allergic reaction and chemical or heat burns which cause blistering/swelling. Most of the time, people would first think of choking as causing an obstruction of the upper airway, even though there are a variety of causes.

What part of the body does the urology medicine department cover in a hospital?

It covers your kidneys and all of your bowel movement organs. It will cover the bladder also. Anything that has to do with going to the bathroom will be covered.

Explain why swallowed food does not usually enter the airway leading to the lungs?

when the food descends down the esophagus the epiglottis covers the opening to the airway preventing food from entering. A person will usually cough if food gets caught on the epiglottis to clear the airway again. strokes (or any disorder that could cause paralysis of the neck muscles) may cause paralysis of the muscles of the epiglottis, which would inhibit or interfere with the epiglottis from closing (of which could cause choking).

Should one start chest compressions CPR on a person who passes out after unsuccessful attempts at Heimlich?

Chest compressions are for cardiac problems, to maintain some blood circulation. The Heimlich Maneuver is for a blocked airway. If the person has a blocked airway and Heimlich did not clear it, chest compressions are not going to help. Find other ways to clear the airway.

In cpr if the airway is open and the patient was given rescue breaths and the air is not goin in?

In CPR, if the airway is open and the patient was given rescue breaths and the air is not going in, there may be something lodged in the patients throat, and the Heimlich maneuver should be performed.

What is the meaning of PREVENT?

Going before; preceding., Tending to defeat or hinder; obviating; preventing the access of; as, a medicine preventive of disease., That which prevents, hinders, or obstructs; that which intercepts access; in medicine, something to prevent disease; a prophylactic.

What are the functions of the epiglottis?

The epiglottis is a little flap of skin that closes over your trachea (the airway) when you swallow food or water to prevent it from "going down the wrong tube."

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