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well the soilders needed clothes, and other supplies so they used slaves to make these supplies in the textile mills. they also had larger plantations before the civil war

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Q: What created the rise in slavery in the South before the Civil War?
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What part of the country supported slavery before the US Civil War?

The South.

What led to sectionalism between the north and the south before the civil war?

The issue of slavery.

Before the Civil War why was slavery more important to the South than it was to the North?

Slavery was more important to the South than it was to the North, because the South's economy relied on agriculture.

How did the north and south view the civil war before the fighting began?

there are tons of other websites that will give you that answer but the main reason was because of slavery issues between the north and the south. the north was anti slavery and the south was pro slavery.

Why did slavery expand in the south rather than in the north before civil war?

Geographic conditions in the South encouraged the development of large plantations.

Why did the south break away from the US before the Civil War?

Because the south's belief/outlook on slavery clashed with the belief/outlook of the north.

What side wanted slavery during the civil war?

In the civil war the south wanted slavery. The North had machines and wanted to abolish slavery. ; )

Was America north or south in the civil war?

They were "the Civil War". The North and the South were going against each other. They were fighting against slavery (the North). And the South wanted slavery.

Was the Civil War about slavery or prejudice?

The American Civil War was about the south wanting slavery and the north saying it was wrong. So... the answer to your question is... Slavery.

How does the American Civil War link to the slave trade?

The civil war was fought because of slavery. North=No Slavery South=More Slavery

What is the cause of the Civil War?

There are many causes to the civil war one was slavery becasue the south wanted to cede from the union so that they could have slavery.

Before the civil war one of the major issues between the north and the south was?

Extension of slavery into the new Western territories, and the balance of power between North and South in Congress.