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Q: What creates the swirls of clouds you see when looking at Earth from above?
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What makes white swirls around earth?

Hurricanes, or clouds

What are the white swirls that you can see on earth from space called?


Can you see clouds from earth?

They're big and puffy... try looking at them in the sky sometime.

What are the type of air movements that form winds and that forms clouds?

the unequal heating of the earth's surface causes wind (warm air rising and cold air sinking), and evaporation creates clouds.

What was the planet Venus named for?

Venus is named after the ancient Roman goddess of love. When scientists first spotted it, they saw beautiful swirls of clouds, and thought that they hid a world of beauty that was Earth-like, and would contain life.

What effects causes hurricanes to have their swirl?

It swirls due to the earth's rotation.

What creates rain?

The moisture from the Earth evaporates into the clouds. Then the moisture gets heavier and condenses into rain. When it gets heavier, it falls from the clouds down to Earth. Then, the sun and heat re-evaporates the moisture left, thus restarting the cycle. Just Google "the rain cycle."

Does earth has clouds?

Yes. There are ALWAYS clouds somewhere on Earth.

What will be the result when clouds cover the earth?

There will be no earth there will only clouds

How are clouds on earth different from clouds on neptune?

In Earth, the clouds has rain, snow, and hail. But in Neptune, they clouds doesn't has snow or hail.

Are clouds positive or negative feed back to global warm explain?

they are both. clouds trap Co2 and other fossil fuels on their way through the atmosphere, which creates the greenhouse effect and warms the planet. On the other hand, clouds block the sun's warming rays from entering the earth.

Why does earth have wind clouds and rain?

the earth has wind clouds because of the water cycle