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Either it's mustard or canola. You could also be referring to sunflowers...

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Q: What crop grown in Oklahoma has yellow flowers?
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What is the crop growing in Northwestern Oklahoma fields that is currretly blooming yellow?

The crop is canola, grown to produce canola oil and also to supply biofuel.

Crop with yellow flowers?

A very common crop that is noted for its many yellow flowers is mustard. Some farmers grow this and harvest the leaves while others harvest just the seeds.

What is the largest crop grown in the US?

Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Missouri produce most of the grain sorghum grown in this country.

What was a system of crop rotation that allowed for soil replenishment?

There are four groups of plants you should rotate: plants grown for leaves and flowers; plants grown for fruits; plants grown for roots; and legumes that feed the soil.

What was a system crop rotation that allowed for soil replenishment?

There are four groups of plants you should rotate: plants grown for leaves and flowers; plants grown for fruits; plants grown for roots; and legumes that feed the soil.

What was a system of crop rotation that allowed soil replenishment?

There are four groups of plants you should rotate: plants grown for leaves and flowers; plants grown for fruits; plants grown for roots; and legumes that feed the soil.

What cash crop is grown in Columbia?

Coffee is the cash crop grown in Columbia.

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Is salt a crop?

No. Salt is mined, not grown. A crop is something that is grown -- plants.

If corn is called crop what is oranges?

anything that is or can be grown on a field or grown by farmers is a crop.

What is a crop grown in us that starts with letter s?

Soybeans are a crop grown in the US.

What is the most common crop grown in Britain?

the modt common crop grown in Britain is wheat.