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Q: What crop grown in South Dakota looks like a weed?
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What crop grown in South Dakota gets turned into fuel?

Corn, primarily; it gets turned into ethanol which is used as fuel.

What is the major crop for agriculture in South Dakota?

Corn is the major agricultural crop in South Dakota. Soy beans and wheat are 2nd and 3rd.

What is the importance of corn in South Dakota?

Corn for grain to feed livestock is the major cash crop in South Dakota.

What important crop is grown in South Carolina?

Tobacco and rice.

Which crop was NOT one of the first to be grown in South Carolina?


What was the main crop grown in the south from 1820 to 1865?


What was the most important crop grown in the south?

In the south they were known for growing tobacco and cotton.

What was a crop grown in the south?

Cotton and tobacco are the two big ones.

Most important crop grown in south in 19th century?


What crop is grown only along the coastlines of South Carolina and Georgia?


What was the main difference between the types of crop grown in the North and those grown in the South in 1860?

The crops in the South were cash crops and crops in the North were consumable crops.

What was the most profitable crop grown in the Portuguese colonies of South America?

Sugar cane and coffee.