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try salicornia

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Q: What crop is suitable for farming in salt water?
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Related questions

Is salt a crop?

No. Salt is mined, not grown. A crop is something that is grown -- plants.

Which methods of separation would be suitable to use to separate sand and salt?

mix the salt and sand into a glass of water. The sand would settle at the bottom of the glass, and the salt would dissolve into the water. pour off the salt water, wait for the water to evaporate, and you will be left with salt, and sand.

Do night crawlers live in salt water?

The only night crawler to live in salt water is the European Night Crawler. It is suitable for bait in brackish salt water. They can live up to 30 minutes in freezing or salty water.

What is in a seawater that makes it not suitable for washing clothes?

the salt in the water makes the fabric weak

What substance freezes at a temperature of 15 degrees c?

A suitable mixture of salt water.

Why might salt water someday provide water for drinking farming and manufacturing?

In some areas, it does that now. There is a LOT of salt water. If a way can be found to safely and cheaply remove the salt, it could provide badly needed water for dry areas.

What is a suitable method for separating salt from seawater?

Allow the water to evaporate, leaving behind the salt would be effective for separating salt and water in a mixture.

What is the scientific name for separating salt from water?

The scientific name for separating salt from water is "desalination." This process involves removing salt and other impurities from seawater or brackish water to make it suitable for drinking or other uses.

How did the Mormons make Salt Lake suitable for living and farming?

When the Mormon pioneers first arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, there was very little water. The ground was dry and there were very little plants (and therefore very few trees to use for lumber). The easiest accessable water source was the Great Salt Lake, which is saltier than the ocean and therefore pretty unuseable for farming or drinking water. The Mormon pioneers dug irrigation canals from mountain streams all through the city. This became a common practice in most areas of Utah. Many of these irrigation ditches can still be seen, especially in small farming communities where they are still in active use.

What is extracting salt?

Desalination is the process of removing salt from sea-water in order to make it suitable for drinking.

What are desalation plants?

Many areas have no access to fresh water but have plenty of salt water available. The desalination plants remove the salt, making water suitable for drinking and irrigation of crops.

What materials do you need to make an egg float in salt water?

An egg with an intact shell, warm water, a lot of table salt (NaCl), a suitable container to hold the above. Pour the (warm) water to the container, stir while adding salt to the water, keep adding salt until no more will dissolve (This is a saturated solution), allow to cool & gently place egg into the salt water.