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Q: What cytoskeletal interacts with myosin to produce contracile force?
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What is the compound that binds myosin and provides energy for the power stroke?

a flowery anus

What converts the myosin head into the high-energy state?

ATP hydrolysis

What describes the events of contraction in excitation-contraction coupling?

cross bridge formation "Excitation-contraction coupling" connects muscle fiber excitation to the muscle fiber contraction (cross bridge formation). During contraction, myosin heads form cross bridges many times-with each cross bridge generating a small amount of tension in the muscle fiber.

What causes fluid to flow?

The rhythmic, coordinated contraction of the atria and ventricles of the heart. In the normal healthy heart, contraction is produced in response to depolarisation of sino-atrial nodal tissue which then propagates through the ventricular tissue. Excitation is coupled to contraction via calcium ion influx and actin-myosin cross bridge activation. This produces myocyte fibre shortening and the ventricular wall thickens, a majority of which is attributable to shear deformation in the inner third of the ventricular mass. This shearing or sliding, much like a deck of cards sliding upon one another, occurs between muscle layers of the ventricles and is believed to account for the majority of wall thickening. Ventricular wall thickening forces blood out of the ventricular chambers and into the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Relaxation or diastole follows systole, this enables the heart to relax and fill with blood in order to repeat the above process.

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What is the molecular composition of troponin?

Troponin is a major component of muscle tissue. It is composed of troponin C, troponin I, and troponin T. Troponin interacts with tropomyosin and myosin to create muscle contraction.

What are the proteins are involved in muscle contraction?

Actin and myosin

What protein makes up the thick filaments of myofibrils?

Myosin makes up the THICK filaments, and actin makes up the thin filaments of myofibrils.

What are the thick protein filaments in the cell made of?

The thick filament is composed of the myosin molecule. The thin filament is composed of the actin molecule. Flexing the head of myosin provides the powerstroke.

Where do myosin cross bridges attach during muscle contraction?

Myosin functions as an ATPase utilizing ATP to produce a molecular conformational change of part of the myosin and produces movement. Movement of the filaments over each other happens when the globular heads protruding from myosin filaments attach and interact with actin filaments to form crossbridges. The myosin heads tilt and drag along the actin filament a small distance (10-12 nm). The heads then release the actin filament and adopt their original conformation.

Do muscles produce proteins?

Yes muscle and all other cells produce proteins. Muscles produced the important structural protein myosin. They are essential molecules that carry out muscle contraction.

What is the function of myosin?

Myosin is responsible for actin-based muscular mobility/contraction.

Are thin filaments composed of myosin?

actually myosin is also called the thick filament..... Individual muscle fibers are formed during development from the fusion of several undifferentiated immature cells known as myoblasts into long, cylindrical, multi-nucleated cells. Differentiation into this state is primarily completed before birth with the cells continuing to grow in size thereafter. Skeletal muscle exhibits a distinctive banding pattern when viewed under the microscope due to the arrangement of cytoskeletal elements in the cytoplasm of the muscle fibers. The principal cytoplasmic proteins are myosin and actin (also known as "thick" and "thin" filaments, respectively) which are arranged in a repeating unit called a sarcomere. The interaction of myosin and actin is responsible for muscle contraction.

Myosin light-chain kinase?

is antagonized by the actions of myosin phosphatase

Binding of the myosin heads sequentially prevents what?

myosin crossbridge binding