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Friday 13th! Tuesday 13th! and also numbers that repeat themselves like 11:11! that's really scary... not really a day, a time! like for instance if you are about to go out on a date or something and you are getting ready to go out and then you happen to look to the time and the time is 11:11 or 2:22 or some number that repeats that's bad luck! i know is really weird to go on a date that early or that late for that to happen but the example could be anything, like a trip or an appointment. 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 to look at the time and accidantly happen to be this exactly is just a sign of something bad about to happen... it could be something not so bad like a love deseption or sometimes it could be something a lot worse like the dying of a family member or the dead of one self! so be very careful!

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