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Q: What decay plants add to new soil?
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What composes soil?

Decayed plants and animals compose the soil. When plants and animals die they decay and become part of the soil. New plants grow causing herbivores to come and eat the plants. Well you know how the cycle goes and then the dead animals and plants become part of the soil once again

What composes the soil?

Decayed plants and animals compose the soil. When plants and animals die they decay and become part of the soil. New plants grow causing herbivores to come and eat the plants. Well you know how the cycle goes and then the dead animals and plants become part of the soil once again

What 3 natural processes that add nitrogen to the soil?

There's actually four. The decay of the remains of dead animals and plants The growth of bacteria in the soil which take in nitrogen gas to make nitrates Bacteria in the roots of plants (such as peas, beans, clover etc) which can also tun nitrogen gas into nitrates Lightning flashes in thunderstorms which make the air hot enough for nitrogen and oxygen gases to react with eachother. Then rain washes the new nitrogen compounds into soil. Hope this helps (:

What happens to dead plants and animals in the soil?

Dead plants and animals in the soil decompose, leaving the nutrients in the soil so that new plants can be nourished and grow, thus maintaining the cycle of life.

how does soil forms from rocks?

Lichen dies and create organic material and soil ,which plants grow new soil anyways

Which is not a way that plants affect landforms?

by adding new nutrients to the soil

How did the soil in middle colonies differ from that in new England?

soil helps the plants and food grow for us to eat.

How did the soil in the middle colonies differ from that in New England?

soil helps the plants and food grow for us to eat.

Did the decay cycle involves making new matter to replace dead plants and animals. true or false?

its true(:

What do you think is the reason that nonvascular plants can be the first plants to grow in a new environment?

Nonvascular plants are usually the first plants to live in new enviroments, such as newly exposed rock. When these plants die, they break down and help form a thin layer of soil. Then, plants that need soil in order to grow can move into these areas

What adds nutrients to the soil by recycling decaying plants and animals into something new?


What are the main natural resources in New Jersey today?

water soil plants animals and minerals