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These declarations claimed that states have the right to consider void any act of Congress that they deem unconstitutional.

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Q: What declarations claimed that states have the right to consider void any act of congress that they deem unconstitutional?
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Loving v. Virginia was the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court case that ruled that state laws prohibiting interracial marriage were unconstitutional.

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Chief Justice John Marshall was the first to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional, in the opinion of the Court for the Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137 (1803) case.The Court ruled that Congress overstepped its authority in Section 13 of the Judiciary Act of 1789, by giving the Court authority to issue writs of mandamus for US government officials, a power Marshall claimed was not specified as part of the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction in Article III of the Constitution.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

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What were the secret documents written by Jefferson and Madison that claimed states have the right to nullify unconstitutional laws?

The answer to this question is The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798.

The Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison established the principle that the Court could declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.?

Chief Justice John Marshall formally claimed the power of judicial review, the ability of the courts to review and declare laws relevant to cases before the court unconstitutional, in Marbury v. Madison, (1803).

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claimed that the states could nullify any actions by the federal government that they judged unconstitutional

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Mississippi did ratify the 13th Amendment, but not until 1995. Note: the previous answer, which I deleted because it was frivolous, claimed that the 13th Amendment was declared unconstitutional. The 13th Amendment is part of the constitution; it cannot be "unconstitutional" by definition.

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