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There is no inherent connection between masonry and satanism. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization focused on moral and philosophical growth. Any claim of satanic ties to masonry is likely based on misunderstandings or conspiracy theories.

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Q: What degree of masonry considered satanic?
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What is santnic?

It seems like there might be a typo in your question. If you meant "Satanic," it refers to beliefs or practices related to Satan, typically associated with the Satanic Temple or LaVeyan Satanism. If you meant something else, please provide more context for a better answer.

Were Satanic Bible quotes used in stairway to heaven?

No, there are no Satanic Bible quotes used in the song "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. The lyrics of the song were written by Robert Plant and Jimmy Page and are not influenced by the Satanic Bible.

Is a circle with an x through it a satnic symbol?

No, a circle with an x through it is not a satanic symbol. It is a common symbol used to indicate that something is prohibited or not allowed. Satanic symbols typically involve pentagrams, inverted crosses, or other imagery associated with Satanism.

Is Elena seigman satanic?

There is no credible evidence to suggest that Elena Siegman is satanic. She is a singer and songwriter known for her work in video game soundtracks, particularly in the "Call of Duty" series. It is important not to spread false information without concrete proof.

What significance does an upside down cross and the Star of David with a circle around it have?

An upside-down cross is often associated with the occult and satanic imagery. The Star of David with a circle around it is a symbol commonly used in Kabbalistic traditions to represent spiritual protection and to invoke divine energy. Both symbols hold different meanings depending on the context in which they are used.

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Is within temptation satanic?

No, their music is considered Gothic Metal, not Satanic.

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What number degree is a knights Templar?

The Degree of Knights templar is conferred at the 14th Degree of York Rite Masonry.

What is the significance of the number 33 in free masonry?

It is the highest degree you can have.

Is the 6 point star satanic?

Every symbol man came up with for satanic rituals can be considered satanic. But the main idea is that symbols are just symbols and the symbol itself is not satanic unless and until someone uses it for a satanic ritual and evil purpose!

What is the firstsecondthird degree in free masonry?

The First Degree is called Entered Apprentice; the second Fellowcraft; the third, Master Mason

What is the third degree?

To be given the third degree is to be questioned relentlessly. This figue of speech could possibly be in reference to the third degree of free masonry which, apparently, is quite rigorous.

What is third degree?

To be given the third degree is to be questioned relentlessly. This figue of speech could possibly be in reference to the third degree of free masonry which, apparently, is quite rigorous.

What degree is a master mason?

The three degrees of masonry are (in order), Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason.

Why is rock and roll considered satanic?

Because old people are paronoid, it's really NOT.

What is a pho mason?

P.H.O. Masonry is considered a clandestine Masonic organization started in the 1960s by men who were expelled from Prince Hall Masonry for selling degree work and violating several of it's landmarks. P.H.O. Masonry is also known as International Masonry. P.H.O IS THE OLDEST prince hall it is not a clandestine organization. PHO stands for Prince Hall Originate. I think before any one accuses the other they should read their history. PHA stand for Prince Hall Affiliate. To me Originate means original affilliate means to associate or be part of.

In Christianity is listening to non-satanic metal bands considered as a sin?

NO! it's not considered a sin. and i have some friends who are happy it's not. :)