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Q: What describes a function or the plasmodesmata?
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How are the plasmodesmata of plant cells and commicating junctions of animal cell similar in function?

Cell junctions in plants are called Plasmodesmata while communicating junctions in animal cells are gap junctions

What is the function of the plasmodesmata in plants?

The passage between two cells. Water and nutrient passages, generally.

What is the function of plasmodesmata in plant cells?

The passage between two cells. Water and nutrient passages, generally.

What color is a plasmodesmata?

a plasmodesmata is usually brown and button shaped

What is the function of plasmodemata?

Plasmodesmata are intercellular organelles found in plants. Their function is that of a highway for local and long-distance signalling. In higher plants, this pathway involves the movement of proteins such as RNA.

What is the function of a Plasmodemata?

Plasmodesmata are intercellular organelles found in plants. Their function is that of a highway for local and long-distance signalling. In higher plants, this pathway involves the movement of proteins such as RNA.

Plasmodesmata in plants equals to what in animals?

There is no exact equivalent, but a gap junction is the closest thing an animal cell has to plasmodesmata.

An equation that describes a function?

a function rule

The purpose of plasmodesmata is to?

communicate with other cells

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