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The passage between two cells. Water and nutrient passages, generally.

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Q: What is the function of plasmodesmata in plant cells?
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How are the plasmodesmata of plant cells and commicating junctions of animal cell similar in function?

Cell junctions in plants are called Plasmodesmata while communicating junctions in animal cells are gap junctions

What type of cells does plasmodesmata occur between?

plant cells I believe....

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Do plasmodesmata connect the cytoplasms of one plant cell to another?

Their cytoplasms are not really connected, but there is a network of cytoskeleton material that gives support to the cells and also interconnects them for structural integrity.

What junction in plant cells connects the cytoplasm of living cells?

The junction created within plant cells to connect to cytoplasm is called "Plasmodesmata"

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Animal cells don't have plasmodesmata, only plant cells do. Plasmodesmata are intercellular bridges between plant cells. They play a central role in allowing water and other nutrients to be transported from one cell to another.

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What does plasmodesmata do in plant cell?

Plasmodesmata are open channels in a cell wall of a plant cell through which strands of cytosol connect from an adjacent layman's terms, its a gateway between two adjacent plant cells through their cell wall which allows the cells to communicate with each other through chemical signals as well as support one another with nutrients or supplies that a cell would need.

What is plasmodesmata?

Plasmodesmata is an organelle that can only be found in Plant cells. It basically connects all the cells together. There is more madness to the logic like why it is connected, and what is transported in the Plasmodesmata. But for now that is all you need to know.

What is the function of the plasmodesmata in plants?

The passage between two cells. Water and nutrient passages, generally.