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The plague that spread through Europe. Millions died. It is often referred to as the Black Death.

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Q: What devastated Europe's population in the 14th century?
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What 14th century problem killed millions of people?

the Black Death or Bubonic Plague caused from bacteria yersinia pestis peaked in Europe during 1348 and 1350. Killing approximately 30-60% of Europes population/

What most eased population pressure in Europe in the 14th century?

the black death.

When did the 14th century start?

Answer: 1300-1399 Answer: The 14th. century is from 1301-1400.

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The 14th century was 1300 to 1399

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The 14th century.

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The 14th century.

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14th century.

What years were in the 14th century?

The 14th Century is the years between 1300 and 1399 AD.

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The 14th century consists of the years 1301 through 1400.

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In the 14th century, it killed about 60% of the European population, an estimated 100-200 million people.

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14th century BC