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I am an adult who dreams every night, one, two, sometimes five dreams or more a night depending on how many times I wake up and fall back to sleep.

I have had numerous dreams (in my adult life) that I need to find a place to urinate. In my dreams, I have sat on toilets, or chairs, or other things and in my dream I have urinated, only to find that I am really urinating in bed.

If I wake up, no matter how many times in a night, I now get up and go to the bathroom and urinate, for fear that if I don't, I will dream it and go in my dream.

This happened this morning. It is most embarrassing and I don't tell anyone, and I have looked on websites alot to find out if anyone relates dreaming of urinating to actually urinating. This morning I woke at 6:38 a.m. and thought I should get up and go, but was lazy and fell back to sleep. I proceeded to have a dream that I needed to go, sat on a toilet in my dream, and then (in my dream), thought that the urinating into the toilet was normal at first, but then suddenly it wet my butt cheeks and I didn't understand why (in the dream).

Usually I will immediately wake up as I start the flow, but this morning, I did not. I woke at 7:15 a.m. to realize that the bed my gown and bed were soaked.

It is hard for me to share this, but also I think so important. Children have been scolded for bedwetting and I think that if they are dreaming it, and then wake up and don't remember their dreams, then parents and doctors don't realize this is completely out of the child's control.

I happen to be a person that remembers most of my dreams, and can relay almost every dream I have ever had where I had dreams of needing to find a bathroom, and going.

I hope that this can help in some way to whoever might read this.

wetting reduces the strength of all papeer up to 95 e

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