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laser microphone

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Q: What devices convert light energy into sound energy?
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Devices that convert sound energy into mechanical energy?

Sound energy is mechanical energy. No devices are required to make a conversion.

How does a Xerox machine convert light energy into sound energy?

Xerox machines do not convert light energy into sound.

Which device changes electricity to other forms of energy?

Lots of devices do that. A motor will convert electrical energy to mechanical energy (i.e., to movement); a lamp will convert it to light; a speaker will turn it to sound; etc.

What is firework's transformation of energy?

Fireworks convert chemical energy into light and sound energy.

A television is designed to convert electrical energy into which forms of energy?

Light and sound

What type of energy conversion takes places in a household item?

If the household items work with electricity, they will convert electrical energy to whatever they are supposed to do: movement for some devices, sound or light for others.

What device is used to convert light energy into sound energy?

A solar powered iPod dock, perhaps?

How do fireworks demonstrate the transformation of energy?

The energy transformation during fireworks show are, fireworks convert chemical energy into light and sound energy.

What type of energy does a TV convert to?

Converts Electrical energy into the useful energy, light and sound. There will be some unwanted heat energy as well

What does microphone convert sound energy into?

sound energy

How can you convert electrical energy to mechanical sound and heat energy?

We can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy in mixer and grinder. We can convert electrical energy into sound energy in various sound systems. We can convert electrical energy into heat energy in electric water or room heater.

How does give give out heat?

All energy converters will give out heat. Tv's will get energy from their source and convert it to sound, light and heat energy.