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Q: What did Antigone do to anger Juno?
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Did Juno cause problems for Aeneas?

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What emotions are portrayed by Antigone and Ismene in 'Antigone'?

Anger, love, sadness and sorrow are emotions portrayed by Antigone and Ismene in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone exhibits anger in her interaction with her uncle King Creon. She expresses love in referring to her brother Polyneices and other dead family members whereas Ismene only expresses it once in terms of Antigone and once in terms of Antigone and Prince Haemon. Antigone manifests brief sadness over her fate. She shows sorrow over her family's fate whereas Ismene only manifests it over her and her sister's fates.

What two things does Creon say anger him about Antigone in 'Antigone'?

Breaking his law and bragging about it are two things that Creon says anger him about Antigone in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Creon finds it offensive that Princess Antigone breaks his law of non-burial of the disloyal Theban. He finds it even more offensive that she has no shame about her civil disobedience. It is a wonder that he does not add the third strike of how offensive she is in her attitude, tone and word choice.

What is the curse of Antigone's father in 'Antigone'?

That he is the cursed descendant of cursed King Labdacusis the curse of Antigone's father in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the gods are vindictive. They do not let go of their anger once they pick their unfair fights with mortals. They hold their grudges for generations since Theban King Oedipus is King Labdacus' grandson.

How does Antigone's manner change in 'Antigone'?

That she seems to add an element of ironic regret to her rebellion is the way in which Antigone's manner changes in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone keeps up her attitude of rebellion against royal trespass into divine domains of responsibility. She may exhibit less determination than anger in her first interaction with her sister Ismene. She may express equal amounts of anger and determination in her interaction with King Creon and in her second interaction with Ismene. But by the time that she processes to her death, Antigone moves from determination mixed with angry comments about Creon to an almost ironic regret about dying because she defends divine will.

Who warns Creon not to retaliate against Antigone in 'Antigone'?

It is Haemon who warns Creon not to retaliate against Antigone in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.C. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Prince Haemon loves his first cousin and bride-to-be Princess Antigone. He meets with his father King Creon in an attempt to get him to pardon Antigone for breaking the royal edict of non-burial of the disloyal Theban dead. Haemon warns his father that all Thebes is on Antigone's side but fear Creon so much that they keep silent despite building anger and opposition to Creon's rule.

How does Antigone feel in 'Antigone'?

Angry, elated, nostalgic and sad are the ways in which Antigone feels in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone demonstrates anger over her uncle King Creon's edict of non-burial of the disloyal Theban dead. She exhibits elation over her burial and reburial of her brother Polyneices. She expresses nostalgia for her family. She manifests sadness just before she is walled up in a remote cave outside Thebes.

How does Antigone feel as she faces her entombment in 'Antigone'?

Relieved but a bit angry and regretful are Antigone's feelings as she faces her entombment in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone demonstrates anger when she considers her uncle King Creon on her way to her live burial. She exhibits relief when she considers the partial burial that she gives her brother Polyneices. She expresses regret when she considers the irony of being executed for breaking a royal law precisely while honoring divine will and Theban traditions.

What 'is Hera called in rome?

Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.Hera is called Juno in Latin.

What is Antigone's attitude at the end of 'Antigone'?

Nostalgic and satisfied but a bit angry, regretful and resentful is Antigone's attitude at the end of "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone demonstrates satisfaction when she revisits the details of and motivations for burying her brother Polyneices. She exhibits anger when she passes by her uncle King Creon. She expresses regret when she mentions inexperienced marital and family life. She manifests a slight, ironic resentment when she declares that she dies precisely because she defends the all-powerful gods.