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Q: What did Austria and Prussian troops threaten to burn Paris with if it did not surrender peacefully?
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Was Marie Antoinette born Prussian?

No, she was born Austrian. Her mother, the empress of Austria, had a rivalry with Fredrich of Prussia.

Which Prussian monarch doubled the size of Prussia in 1740 by taking Silesia from Austria?

King Frederick the Great

What was regarded by Bismark as Prussia's main rival for leadership of German people?

Prussia's main rival for leadership of the German people, according to Bismarck, was Austria. This rivalry culminated in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. Bismarck sought to weaken and marginalize Austria's influence over the German states to establish Prussian dominance in a unified Germany.

Is Austria a state?

Austria's modern origins begin in 1871, when Germany unified under the Prussian flag and Austria was denied entry into the Empire. After WW2, Austria became a Nation-State, with it's own nationality. Before WW2, Austria was a state but the people were Germans.

What two allied countries that felt threaten by the nations known as central powers?

Austria-Hungary and Germany

Who started wars with Austria and France in order to achieve his goal of unifying Germany under Prussian leadership?

Otto von Bismarck

What was the war between Prussia and Austria called?

It has been called the "Seven Weeks War" or the "Austro-Prussian War".

What 3 wars did prussia have to fight to unify Germany?

The Austro-Prussian War (against Austria)and The two Schleswig Wars (against Denmark)

why did hilter want the anschluss?

The Anschluss, also known as the Anschluss Österreichs, was the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany on 12 March 1938. The idea of an Anschluss (a united Austria and Germany that would form a "Greater Germany") began after the unification of Germany excluded Austria and the German Austrians from the Prussian-dominated German Empire in 1871.

When did Austria and Prussia declare war against France?

1866 during the AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR NEW RESPONDENT Prussia invaded Austria for the first time when Frederick the Great, King of Prussia started the invasion of Silesia on Dec.16,1740.