

What did Aztec slaves eat?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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12y ago

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rotten tortias

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Q: What did Aztec slaves eat?
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What do Aztec slaves do?

The aztec slaves grew crops and cleand the other aztecs houses

Why were there slaves in the Aztec empire?

there are slaves everywhere in history

What did Aztec slaves do?

Aztec slaves were either sacrificed or had to do labor. They had to do what their master told them to do. They had to clean the house, grow the garden, and other things slaves did.

How was the Aztec society orginized?

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What rights did Aztec slaves have?

Aztec slaves had very limited rights and were considered property that could be bought, sold, or sacrificed. They were often forced to perform menial tasks or labor for their owners without payment or freedom. They had no legal protections and were not considered full members of Aztec society.

Were all the Aztec subjects of Aztec culture?

No, the slaves were of different cultures sometimes

What class of people built the Aztec temples?

The slaves built the Aztec temples

How were Aztec treated by the Spanish?

like slaves

Explain the Aztec caste system and its role in the Aztec society?

From the bottom to the top: Slaves, Commoners, Nobles, Emperor. The slaves held the majority however.

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Did the Aztecs' slaves build the Aztec pyramids?

No, the Aztec pyramids were primarily built by skilled laborers and builders who were not enslaved. Slavery did exist in Aztec society, but slaves were typically used for agricultural work, household chores, or as sacrifices in religious ceremonies.

Did the spanish use Aztecs as slaves after the fall of the Aztec empire?

Some poorer Aztecs were used as slaves. Some Spanish people married a few Aztec women.